Wednesday, April 11, 2012

We have a Winner!!

Sorry to have waited so long in getting this out, but with work and finding the right editor my time has been limited!  Unfortunately, I didn't have the turn out I had hoped for, but with 5 entries Joshua McCaw was the lucky winner!!  He gets the first glimpse into the book after editing and before it goes to publishing!!  He also gets to write a review about the book!  I hope he is up to the task!!  I look forward to having a fresh set of eyes reading through what I have looked at so many times!!  So congratulations to Josh!  The new working title of the trilogy is: The Atlanteans First Book: Oracle.....

The book is moving towards the London book fair as we speak!! :)



Joshua McCaw said...

Thanks Lisa! Sorry for not posting sooner, but in the time between work, school, and family, I've had my face buried in your novel, hanging on to every word. Even though I've already told you thank you, I wanted to thank you on here as well because the book is excellent and I'm honored for the opportunity to read it before it goes to publishing! Now, off to write my review of the book. Thanks again! (Loved it by the way) :D

Lisa (aka) French said...

So happy about that Josh :) Can't wait to see the review!!!