Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Atlantean Line Book 1 Oracle==>> Chapter One

“Run, Bridget!”
“What? Why?”
“Just go! You’re not safe.”
She didn’t know why, but her feet started off as fast as they would carry her, just like every time before. They were supposed to be safe here. They were supposed to be able to stop running. But they weren’t safe. Nowhere was safe. Bridget could hear the sound of her mom’s footsteps behind her. She looked back to see only her mom trailing behind her in the mist. No one was chasing them.
Bridget stopped, out of breath and out of patience. “Mom, there’s no one there,” she gestured to the empty boardwalk behind her, most of it swallowed by the rising steam. “Can’t you, please, just stop it? I’m tired of this bullshit! No one’s here, no one’s chasing us.”
“God damn it, Bridget, just run!” Janice replied, catching up to her daughter’s position on the boardwalk that wound its way through the hot springs. She grabbed Bridget’s arm, trying to pull her further up the path, but she wouldn’t move. Janice’s eyes pleaded with her daughter, but Bridget still remained fixed in place, the stubborn expression on her face unwavering.
“Stop it, Mom! This needs to end. I’m tired of running from shit that isn’t there. I’m just…tired!” Bridget cried, collapsing on the wooden planks that separated her from the boiling water below.
Janice knelt down and hugged her daughter as tightly as she could. Bridget began to cry as her mom’s grip tightened. This was supposed to be a vacation. It was supposed to be a time of fun and relaxation with her mom, but it was turning out to be like every other day. She’d been running with her mom her entire life and she didn’t know why. Her mom was always looking over her shoulder. She was suspicious of everyone and everything. Bridget wasn’t allowed to make friends. She wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone about anything, more than just superficial crap. No one could know who they were, because everyone was a threat, at least in her mom’s mind.
Bridget knew that she was special and she never doubted that, but she didn’t believe that every creak in the floor board or every person that looked in her direction was dangerous. However, everyone was one of the others as far as her mom was concerned - that included her father. She never spoke his name and would change the conversation, forcefully, any time Bridget broached the subject.
Her mom slowly loosened her grip on Bridget’s shoulder and made her look into her eyes. “Bridget. Baby. We have to go. Please, don’t cry, just trust me, okay. We need to go now.”
“No.” Bridget pushed her mom’s hands away. “I can’t go any further. There’s no one here except us. Why do you have to keep doing this to me? Look – I understand the need to be cautious. I understand your need to move. I don’t understand running when there’s, obviously, no one chasing us.”
“Stop it. We don’t have time for this.”
“You haven’t told me anything. I don’t know why we’re running and I don’t know who the others are! I don’t know who my father is. Hell, I don’t even know who I am. All I know is that you keep saying I’m in danger. But nothing happens, Mom. Nothing ever happens, except that we move to a new town, in a new state, and I have to start all over. I’m tired of starting over. You know, I thought that I’d get to lead a normal life at UU.”
“Bridget, stop, honey,” she said, but she was no longer pushing Bridget to run. Now she was trying to calm her.
Bridget kept talking over the top of her mom’s pleadings. “My life is good in Ohio, but now you’re even screwing that up. Why did you have to move up there?”
“You know why, now stop acting like a child.”
“No, Mom, I won’t stop, because you won’t stop. Talk to me. Tell me the truth for once.”
“I’ve never lied to you,” Janice replied. “I’ve always told you the truth.”
“You haven’t given me any real answers, just half truths. I want to know the whole truth, for once, and I’m not moving until I get it. I’m not running anywhere until I understand.”
The steam rising from the springs and mud pots enveloped them. Janice looked up and down the boardwalk, but visibility was almost non-existent. She listened carefully, but heard nothing, other than the splishes and splashes of the boiling water and the burping sounds emitted by the mud pots. She sat down next to Bridget and thought a while before answering.
“I can’t tell you everything, but I can tell you more than you know now.”
“Okay. Who’s my father?”
“Not that, honey, not now.”
Bridget groaned. This was going to be no different than any other talk. She would ask questions and her mom would refuse to answer.
“Alright then, why did you tell me to stay away from Dr. Weber? I remember him, you know. Not well, but I remember. And now I see him all the time around campus. He was always nice to me my first two years and then you told me to stay away from him. Why?”
“You just have to trust me, Bridget. He’s a dangerous man. Well, he’s not dangerous, but danger follows him. Your abilities are beginning to manifest themselves and that will make him want to be closer to you, but you can’t let him.”
Abilities,” Bridget laughed. “I know what I can and can’t do. I’m not seeing anything new so can you explain these abilities you’re talking about, Mom? Oh and don’t talk about my dreams, they’re just dreams. I have daydreams and nightmares like any normal person. That’s not the definition of a special ability.”
“I wish you’d stop saying that. They are abilities. I have them too. You get them from me…and your father. You’ve been seeing the past, but it won’t stop there. Soon,” Janice took a breath and peered into the steam, intently. “Soon you’ll be able to see the future too, just like I do.”
“That’s why we’re always running, because you think you can see the future? Christ, Mom.”
“I’ve kept you safe. I’ve kept you alive, but I won’t be able to do it forever. Humans die, Bridget.”
“What the Hell is that supposed to mean? Of course, everyone dies.” Bridget narrowed her gaze to a questioning squint. “Are you dying? Is that what you’re saying?”
“I’ve been dying for a while now, honey, but I’ve made sure that you’ve been taken care of.”
“What? Are you being serious right now? You’re dying, right. I know that every day is one day closer to death, but what you said right now isn’t funny mom, it’s really dark.”
“Breast cancer,” Janice whispered. Bridget stopped breathing, stopped moving.
“I have stage four breast cancer. I’ve got, maybe, three more months, but I took care of you. I have a life insurance policy in your name that’ll give you enough money to start a new life. When I’m gone, I want you to take it and leave. Don’t tell anyone where you’re going. You won’t have to work, so you can use a different name. Just go somewhere new and start a new life.”
They sat staring at the ever-thickening steam for what seemed like forever. Bridget let the rollercoaster of emotions ride out inside her, holding them in, keeping them from playing out like a Broadway musical on her face. When she knew her voice wouldn’t crack, she broke the silence managing to keep the emotion out of her tone.
“I’m going to finish college, Mom. I’ve never finished anything. I’ve never had the chance, but I am going to finish college.”
“Baby, trust me on this one. You’ll be better off if you start over.”
“No.” Bridget’s gaze didn’t falter. “No. I’m not starting over again, not this time. For the first time in my life, I feel normal, or at least stable. These dreams I keep having are just that, dreams and nothing more,” Bridget replied forcefully. But before she could continue, they both felt the wooden boards under them tremble.
Janice’s head whipped around suddenly. Her eyes strained to peer through the mist and her mind tried to filter out all the ambient noise in the caldera. Then, she heard it, the soft thumping sound of an animal’s feet slapping down upon the walkway. Janice leaped to her feet and pulled Bridget up by the arm.
“Run.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.
This time, Bridget heard the sound as well and this time she didn’t argue. She wasn’t convinced that it was the sound of certain death, but it was the sound of an animal. And in Yellowstone Park, that sound couldn’t be good. Whatever it was, she decided to take her mom’s advice.
Bridget scrambled off in the direction of the trail that led to the parking area. It seemed as though every board on the walkway intentionally tripped her along the path. She stumbled, nearly falling from the wooden surface into a brilliant, blue-green hot spring. The smell of sulphur burned her lungs as she struggled back to her feet. The morning was cool and the steam was dense because of it, so dense that she could barely see more than 10 feet in front of her. Bridget lost sight of her mom in the mist, but she could hear her moving in the opposite direction. She stopped and called to her, but the only reply was a deep growl that seemed to come from just beyond her field of vision. Then, a second growl rumbled through the thickening mist. It was different than the first growl, more feline.
Bridget was scared - truly scared - for the first time in a long time.
She called to her mom again and still there was no response. Terror gripped her as she turned and ran for the safety of the car. Bridget’s heart raced as her small, but powerful legs carried her up the trail at a neck breaking pace. What seemed like hours were, in reality, only a few minutes of running.
After reaching the parking lot, Bridget fumbled with the car keys, dropping them while trying to unlock the door. Her shaking hands scooped them from the gravel and forced the key into the lock. She quickly climbed in, slammed the door, and locked it. Every sound startled her and caused her to nervously look in every direction, expecting something to jump out at her. She desperately wanted to find her mom, but fear consumed her. It paralyzed her and her inability to act angered her.
Bridget sat, gripping the steering wheel and peering at the end of the trail. One minute passed and then another and then another. The wait was agonizing. The thought of losing her mom terrified her. Despite all the years of running and hiding, and all the frustration she aimed in her mom’s direction, Bridget loved her deeply. Now she faced the prospect of losing her – the only constant in her life.
Fifteen minutes later, Janice appeared at the end of the trail, bleeding and nearly completely naked. Bridge knew what this meant. She knew that this time there was trouble. She watched as her mom looked, hesitantly, to the left and then the right. Bridget unlocked the passenger side door and fired up the engine.
“Mom, come on!” She yelled through the crack of her barely rolled down the window. Bridget pulled to a stop at the trail’s edge and Janice climbed in.
“Where’s the back pack?” Janice questioned.
“It’s in the back seat,” Bridget replied. She hadn’t seen her mom naked before, she’s practically clothed head to foot when they go to the beach. “Mom, where did all the blood come from?”
“It’s okay Bridget. It’s not mine. It was just a black bear, not what I’d thought.” Janice started unzipping the backpack.
“Just a black bear. Are you telling me that you just fought a bear?”
“Bridget, relax and drive. I’m fine and, yes, I just fought off a bear. It wasn’t expecting me. I took it by surprise and pushed it off the walkway. It’s dead now.”
Bridget looked at her mom incredulously, as she wheeled the car around in the lot. Janice used every single wet wipe in the small package buried in the back pack, trying to clean enough blood from her face, so as not to draw too much attention at the lodge.
Bridget watched her from the rearview mirror. The more blood she wiped off, the more her skin was exposed. Not that you would call it skin.
Bridget watched in muted horror as she saw the searing red puckered scars peak out from under the blood. They were everywhere, some more faded than others, but all of them pointed to the fact that Bridget knew nothing, absolutely nothing, of the painful sacrifices her mom had been making over the years. A new long tear in Janice’s right arm appeared to be ripped over a few existing scars. She watched as Janice cleaned it quickly and concealed it.
Bridget made it to the road and the Monte Carlo fish-tailed as she turned to the right, distracted from the horror show in the backseat.
“Slow down!” Janice scolded, not realizing that she’d been watched.
Bridget’s eye’s returned to the road, she let her foot off of the accelerator, and the back end of the car slid back into the appropriate lane.
“You know, you scared the shit out of me back there, Mom. I’m still scared. I’m still shaking. I don’t think I can drive like this.” Bridget pulled onto the shoulder trying to contain the adrenaline from the run that was mixing with her fresh anger.
“Okay, I can drive. Just give me a minute to finish dressing.”
“What did you mean when you said it wasn’t what you’d thought?”
Janice looked at Bridget, solemnly. “I thought it may have been one of the others. Thank God it was just a bear.”
“Sure, right, it was just a bear.” Bridget shrugged sarcastically. “No one knows we’re even here. How would someone have found us?” Her past convictions won out over the discovery of her mom’s marred flesh. “Ugh. I don’t wanna live like this anymore. I mean it. I’m done. I’m going back to school. I’m going to graduate and get a job. Maybe I’ll even get married. But whatever I do, it won’t be this. My kids aren’t gonna grow up like this. I’m not like you, Mom. No matter how badly you wanna believe that I am, I’m just not. I thought that this vacation would be good for us. I thought you’d relax and we could just enjoy our time together. I was wrong. And you’ve been wrong too. You’ve always thought you were protecting me, but you’ve been killing me a little, each day of my life. You say I can’t have a boyfriend, that I can’t have any friends. You’ve made it so my whole life revolves around you and now you’re telling me that I can’t have you for much longer,” Bridget’s voice hitched and she started to sob as the gravity of her mom’s revelation hit home. “I know that I have these special powers, but I don’t understand why and you say that my dreams mean something. You never tell me what. Every time I ask you always say that I don’t need to know yet or that I’m not old enough. And the only person, besides you, who has the answers, is off limits to me. I need answers, Mom. I deserve them.”
“Bridget, trust me when I tell you, that I’ll explain everything to you when the time is right. But for now, let’s try to have the vacation you wanted. I’ll work on having fun. I promise.”
Bridget knew that the conversation was over with that remark. There was going to be no explanation now or in the future. Whatever the big secret was, her mom intended to keep it, to probably die with it.
The rest of the week passed and Bridget had to admit that her mom had, indeed, kept her promise. They were even able to enjoy a meal in a restaurant for once. Normally, her mom would insist on eating in the hotel room, and would rarely agree to a picnic, but restaurants were forbidden. There were too many eyes. You never knew who the others were, if they were watching. That was Bridget’s biggest issue.
Her mom didn’t even know who they were. She had said as much. You could never know. The others could be anyone or, apparently, anything. The only thing that Bridget knew for sure was that she had been marked. She could be spotted. The small, “M” tattoo on her hip was a brand, an identifier. Her mom had told her that it identified her as special. She was a member of a special family, of which, she was the last in line. She was Mnestrean, as her mom would say in hushed tones. Bridget had no idea what it meant, but, she knew that it was very important and very secret. She’d also known that she was special since she was little, that she could do things other little girls couldn’t. She just didn’t like all of the cloak and dagger escapades that went with the moniker, but she respected her mom enough to live within her rules.
After the vacation ended, life went back to normal. Or at least, it was as normal as she could have hoped for. Bridget was staying with her mom at the Shawnee reservation until it was time to move back into her dorm. She was excited that this was her senior year. She had contemplated going to graduate school, but hadn’t really made up her mind. She had time to take the GRE or MCAT. And she figured that by the time the testing dates came around, she would have a clearer idea of what she really wanted to do.
As expected, Bridget’s only real friend, Abbey, had made sure that they were assigned to the same dorm suite and the same dorm room. Abbey was a breath of fresh air and she had been the wedge that forced Bridget from the shell she’d been living in during her freshman year. Abbey just understood her and her peculiarities. She didn’t even seem to mind. The best thing was that even Bridget’s mom seemed to like Abbey. She never quashed the budding friendship and by the end of their junior year, it would’ve been impossible to do so.
Bridget started spending each weeknight at the dorm preparing for the fall semester, but her weekends were spent at the reservation. Her mom’s cancer progressed quickly and she was there to watch it rob them both of a little more life each day. She tried to engage her mom in conversations about the others and about her gift, but Janice either refused or was too weak to talk.
And then it happened. On August 3rd, 2010, Janice Davis passed away. Bridget cried, of course she cried. She was human after all. But behind all of the emotion, a part of her was also relieved. Her running was finally over. She could live her life cautiously without going to extremes. As much as Bridget was like her mom, she was equally the opposite of her. And now, after 21 years, she was able to finally make her own decisions.
Jimmy Red Fox gave Janice her last rites and arranged the funeral. He also kept the news of her death a secret. Her mom was secretive to the very end, protecting Bridget even after death.
Naturally, it had to rain that day. She stood in the cemetery watching her mom’s casket being lowered into the ground while a ceremonial chant was sung by the tribe’s members. It was eerie, but her mom had wanted a traditional Shawnee Indian ceremony. The mixture of rain and burning tears made it difficult to distinguish faces amid the handful of elders gathered there. She didn’t know many of them at all, other than a few first names. 
Bridget had tried to prepare for this day, but the death of her mom came so quickly, how could she? It wasn’t something you could truly prepare for, especially when she died within a month of telling Bridget about her cancer. Bridget watched her mom suffer almost every day during that month. She opened herself up a little and showed some of her pain. The month of watching her going through chemotherapy - the violent fits of nausea and vomiting, the pain, and the loss of her hair - was almost more than Bridget could bear. Now it was over.
Jimmy said a short prayer and the mourners disbanded. That was it. As Bridget turned to leave, the emptiness and finality of it all left an aching pit in her stomach. After 40 plus years, that was it, a prayer in the rain and then nothing.   
Bridget looked up through the rain, which was falling harder now, and noticed a man standing beside a truck in the distance. She couldn’t make out his facial features, but the truck was unmistakable. It was Dr. Weber. Bridget wasn’t really surprised to see him standing there. She knew that he knew her mom and, although Janice wouldn’t have wanted him in attendance, there was nothing she could do about it now. Her mom had forced him out of her life and Bridget had no idea why.
He was a part of her few happy, care-free memories. He was there in the background, talking with her mom, while she tried to stack all of her colorful blocks in one big tower. She must have been very little. For some reason, stacking these blocks was a very important thing to her. She would giggle uncontrollably whenever they would tumble to the floor, and he would laugh with her.
What stake did he have in all of this?
She glanced down once more and looked at the headstone; Janice Davis, born January 1966 died August 2010. Bridget started the long walk from the tribal cemetery to her mom’s cottage, obscured in a wooded area near the back of the property. She always found it funny that it was called a reservation. No one lived there, save for them. Actually, she couldn’t really remember seeing any activity on the grounds at all. It was obvious that the Shawnee either didn’t care enough or didn’t have the money to maintain the place. The cottage and out buildings were run down and the gravel road desperately needed more gravel to justify the name.
The puddles of water on the road had become miniature lakes by the end of the service. Bridget navigated through the maze of water hazards as best she could, but sometimes there was just no way to avoid getting her feet wet. Bridget heard Dr. Weber walking up behind her long before he spoke, but she didn’t turn around.
“You know, you don’t have to walk alone.”
“I suppose not, but my mom’s not here anymore and I don’t feel like company. She didn’t want you around me, if you remember.” Old habits die hard, Bridget thought, while still following her mom’s rules. “What are you doing here anyway? Are you a member of the tribe or something?”
“Well, it’s not like they have ultra-tight security,” Dr. Weber smiled. “Jimmy has been a friend of mine for many years. He and the other tribe members agreed to provide your mother with not only a home, but also with the protection she needed in my absence.”
Bridget stopped walking and faced him. “Are you saying that you got her this place here? Why would she do that, go through you I mean?”
“Believe it or not, I’m not a bad man. I’m not dangerous.”
“I never said you were and neither did my mom. All she said was that danger follows you. Is that true?” Bridget started toward her house and Dr. Weber followed her.
“In a manner of speaking it is, but I haven’t been in any danger for a very long time. The truth is your mom had some trust issues. They were manageable at first, but once she became pregnant with you, those issues got the best of her and unfortunately you went along for the ride. I’d tried to stay close to you and her. I tried to help, but she chose to cut me off. She just disappeared. I found you both about a year later, but instead of interfering, I thought it would be best if I kept my distance.”
“Why are you interfering now, then?” she asked in an abrasive tone.
“I just want you to know that I’m here for you. And that I’ll protect you, just like I protected her until she made me leave.”
“That’s sweet, but I don’t really know you. And I’m pretty sure I’m done with being protected for a while.”
 “If your mom had allowed me to be around, then you wouldn’t have had to move every six months. I would’ve been able to teach you about yourself and then you’d already know everything.”
Bridget was speechless. What did Dr. Weber know? Who was he?
“I know that you have questions,” he said, “and I’ll answer them all, but it will take time, time that I don’t have right now. You know you’re a very special girl, right?”
Bridget mentally rolled her eyes. “Sure, that’s the one thing mom was always willing to remind me of, you know, Mnestrean and all.” She almost tried to stuff the words back in her mouth. She knew better than to talk about her past, most of all her connection to being Mnestrean. How did she know that he wouldn’t use this against her?
Dr. Weber laughed, “Yes, you’re definitely Mnestrean, but that’s a very good thing and you’ll come to see that if you let yourself trust me.” He smiled. “I think it would be good if we could meet again before classes actually start. I’ve got a lot to tell you, and there’s a lot that you should know.”
He looked around like he was missing something. “Do you have everything you need?”
“Um. Yes, Mom...planned well.”
“Janice had more friends than you know and you have more friends than just me. She didn’t view everyone as negatively as she appeared to.”
“She never mentioned any friends and I’m sure that she wished I didn’t remember you. Don’t you find that strange? If she trusted them, and trusted you, then why not tell me about them? And why would she tell me to stay away from you?” Bridget questioned him, with her brow furrowing.
“Because they would, eventually, lead you back to me.” He smiled. “Your mother knew that. I wish I could explain more now, but I think it’s best to wait. Here’s my card,” he said handing her a plain business card. “I’ve written my cell number on the back, just in case you need anything. I have something for you,” he said reaching into the watch pocket of his vest.
“This belonged to your mother at one time. I believe that she would have wanted you to have it.” Dr. Weber handed Bridget a small silver locket which had the Greek letter Omega on the front casing.
“Thanks.” Bridget said, stuffing the locket in her pocket without giving it a second look.
Dr. Weber patted Bridget on the shoulder then turned to leave. He was making his way back through the massive puddles on the road, when she stopped him. “Dr. Weber? I do have one question you can answer. Are you my father?”
He smiled and shook his head. “No, Bridget, but I wish I was. You’re a remarkable young lady and I’d be proud to have you as my daughter. I’m sorry that I wasn’t more involved in your life. Please call me Cole though. Dr. Weber makes me feel like I should be in class,” he said, his smile growing bigger.
Bridget smiled in return and then stepped back inside and closed the door.
He wishes he was, she thought as she smiled again briefly. Bridget pulled the locket from her pocket and rubbed the engraving. It was obviously an antique. The engraving appeared to have been carved by hand. She flipped it over to examine the back. The engraving on the back said “Happy 5th Birthday”. It was engraved by a machine. It was too precise to have been done by hand. Bridget opened the locket and stared at a picture of her mom. She was a child and was standing with her grandmother.
Cole was also in the picture.
She caught a gasp of breath as her legs turned to jelly. Cole was not a child in the picture. If she hadn’t known better, she would have thought that the picture was taken yesterday. Cole looked exactly the same. Bridget’s mind reeled. She snapped the locket shut and barely made it to the couch before she passed out.
Bridget was looking down at her own crumpled body sprawled out on the couch. Was that even possible? Everything was so tranquil. She could feel herself floating effortlessly. The light grew dim in her mind and she found herself standing at, what appeared to be, a palace. There was a meeting taking place, but it wasn’t occurring in this era. All of the people in attendance wore gowns and togas. Their feet were shod with sandals. It was hot.  Bridget could feel the scorching heat beating off the ground. Everything was white - their clothes, the columns, the seating. They sat in a large room that was open to the outside, there were no windows. It seemed to be akin to an amphitheater. They all sat in a semi-circle and there was a man standing at a podium, or at least that’s what it looked like to her. The others sat and stared at him as he spoke aggressively.
Bridget moved around the room slowly looking at each of their faces. This didn’t feel like any of her feathery daydreams she’d had before. This felt real.
As she flitted about the room, her presence seemed to go unnoticed. After realizing this, she moved in a little closer, still feeling the need to maintain some space between her and these people.
The looks on their faces told her that she had interrupted a heated debate, but the sound was muted. One man had a seat in the middle of the stage. His was more like a throne and was larger than anyone else’s. When he spoke, she could tell that he roared. And when he roared, all of their eyes drifted toward the floor. She could sense their fear. It was permeating the room as if they were sweating it. All were affected except one man. The man was at the podium and was arguing with the leader sitting on his throne. Waves of anger poured off the large man on the throne. Unknowingly, Bridget shifted her weight and started to move in toward the man standing at the podium.
The closer she got the more positive she became - it was Dr. Weber! Why was he in this dream? He was dressed to match the others, fitting in perfectly. She almost expected him to recognize her, but instead he continued arguing never once looking in her direction.
Instinctively, her eyes scanned the others again and she was shocked again. Mixed in with the unknown faces was Abbey’s soccer coach, Sarah. Why were they both in this dream? What was this? Had she completely lost her mind? Bridget moved back and forth, shifting her weight to move in the direction she wanted to go. She looked at all of the faces again. None of the others were familiar, but there was no mistaking Dr. Weber and Sarah’s faces.
Soon the meeting was over and Dr. Weber was quickly walking outside. Sarah followed not far behind him. They were talking, but she couldn’t hear what they were saying. The voices all sounded as though they were underwater. She could tell they were engrossed in the conversation, but it was muffled. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t hear anything clearly. Bridget moved in close enough that she could have reached out and touched them, hoping she might be able to read their lips and get an idea of what was being said, but it didn’t work. Instead, everything blurred and then went black.
Bridget opened her eyes and stared at the textured ceiling. She was disoriented and confused. It took her a moment to realize that she was lying on her mom’s couch. The dim light peeking through the curtains was her first indication of the amount of time that passed. It was dusk now. She glanced at her watch and realized that she had been out of it for more than two hours.
If she had been sleeping, then she didn’t feel rested. Bridget sat up gingerly and moved to stand. Her legs felt weak. She’d been getting used to having daydreams, but this one bothered her. This one was different. It had literally knocked her out. She didn’t remember making a conscious decision to lie on the couch.
All of her other dreams involved random people she didn’t recognize. Now, she was dreaming of Dr. Weber and Coach Sarah. She felt it even more peculiar that Dr. Weber had just given her a locket with a Greek letter on it. And then there was that picture. She felt a shiver run up her spine.
Anyone could Photoshop it to look like that, she thought, not really convincing herself this was the case.
She was tempted to open it again, but resisted. Maybe she was afraid of the consequence. She just wanted to go to bed, and not see another vision. She would definitely have more questions for her old family friend than she had previously anticipated. She looked around the room and groaned. The packing would have to wait until morning.
Hope you enjoyed it!  Just a peek ;-)
Cheers, Lisa aka Frenchkilt

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