Saturday, February 9, 2013

Multiple personality disorder? Say it isn't so!!!

Tara an artist, a mom a wife.....

One of her alter ego's Alice...the June Cleaver type...

Buck the testosterone alter...the manly man....

"T" the sex crazed teenager with no inhibitions.....

Some of you may or may not have heard of a new television show called "United States of Tara". I fell upon it one late night unable to sleep and found myself completely captivated by the show! It's on the showtime channel, and well worth a look-see.... and here's why...

The basic idea of the show is simple, a somewhat normal family living in suburbia, and with an untrained eye, a "normal" family...HA! The main character TARA, has multiple personality disorder..she has recently decided to stop taking her medication and try to live her life as 'normally" as possible...*he he* Note, the series would be considered rated "R" so please take that into consideration if watching it.

Her main character Tara is the normal one...the one who had a terrible tragedy happen to her which caused her disorder, of which her husband is desperately trying to get to the bottom of..

She has a completely non-sensitive sister who merely tolerates her, but hates the fact that she seems to have all the happiness in her life...

Her husband is absolutely adorable.... and a very recognizable actor..I'll let you look that up;)

She also has two children.. a teenage daughter who is rebellious, and a son who is the brain but trying to determine his own sexuality...

So this got me to thinking......maybe she has the right idea because let's face it ladies there are days we feel like this right? OK let's see........


Sex kitten.....



June Cleaver homemaker "extraordinaire"






Last but not least ......


I am starting to think that having Multiple Personality Disorder might be something shared by all women....maybe we just don't know it?? Maybe we need to literally "play out" those roles like she does and become "One" with the characters.... I mean what a great excuse...."Sorry honey I had no idea "T" used the credit card to buy a whole new wardrobe...or "honey I'm sorry dinner isn't ready but you know "Buck" ain't the cooking kind...

I think they are onto something here...

The producer of the show is Stephen Spielberg...I say it's worth the watch....just be forewarned of the content being rated "R"...

Today I was the blogger and I know I am way behind and trying desperately to catch up! Sadly the show isn't on any more but if you get a chance to see it, you won't be disappointed!

Well....trying to decide what hat to wear today..thinking writer...



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